The modular sofa system, which was created in 1972 by Team Form AG in Switzerland for COR, blends seamlessly into any environment. Taking the backrest away it can also be used as a very comfortable bed.
The double outer seam lends trio an unmistakable character and at the same time demonstrates its high quality and intricate workmanship.
The quick change sofa with three simple elements that can be converted at will, have a look to the photos, we tried to give you an example of the endless possibilities!
The sofa consists of 4 square elements, 1 rectangular element and of course the shown backrests.
(each square: 96 cm x 96 cm / rectangular 96cm x 66cm, seatingheight is 37cm)
The total height with backrest is about 62 cm.
(the rectangular element is a little worn underneath the side seam, but putting it to the middle its not visible!)
In our opinion: the best sofa of the world!